Wood Chopper Unbanned
Sir I talked to you for several minutes WHY you shouldn't do it. Instead of listening to me you kept interrupting me and pleading that there was a reason for throwing props in the sky.

Sorry but there is none as I tried to tell you. I was only going to black list you then not only did you PM me telling you to unblacklist but while I was talking to a player about an RDM you ran up to me interrupting our conversation. Please do not argue with an admin again and do not throw props in the sky.


Banned player,
Please make sure to follow all of our rules in the future to avoid further disciplinary action.
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Messages In This Thread
Wood Chopper Unbanned - by Wood - 02-23-2013, 12:48 PM
RE: Wood Chopper Unbanned - by Wood - 02-23-2013, 02:20 PM
RE: Wood Chopper Unbanned - by beflok - 02-23-2013, 02:53 PM

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