08-30-2012 Unban request - Lameedition
Hallo there. I would just ask if I had any luck in the bag and ask one last time after i got bannede 08-30-2012 half year ago for scamming. But i didnt do it, but listen to me..

Name: Le Frank Gusta Martin
Money: 282307
Donator: 0 days
Time played: 207 Hours

I'm on vacation with my girlfriend for 1 and half week. So I came home and had to unpack and things like that. so later that day I would play on your server, but I could not join. So I checked forum. so, I saw that I was banned for "scamming" but I do not know what happened ... So I asked my brother if he had done something "when he has been allowed to play on my account when I was on vacation" And he said no nothing, and do not know if I should believe it. For when I went on holiday I had not done anything ... Hope believes in me and that I have not done anything wrong. I have Donatede then it would indeed be like shooting yourself in the foot to cheat and then be banned. But this is my last chance, I see, so hope you will consider it together....

Btw! Sorry im my english sucks! im danish.

Your name:LameEditiON :3 / Lameedition at ban.

Your ban ID:14280

Banned by:[FL] Ruxandra

Reason: scamming


Why we should unban you:Because I miss playing on your server, the good mood. And the super admins to keep track of the server. FearlessRP is the best RP server I've played on. I have 207 Hours and 1 rp points. And has not played garrysmod since I was banned. And do not bother to play other than FearlessRP. If it has been scamming, I will gladly give it back "If there is cheating in the way" Otherwise I do not know so much. (i dont know what my brother has done..... But i will hope for one last chance....... :(

[Image: 5o9wmq.jpg]
AWESOMENESS. When you get sad, i stop being sad and be awesome again. TRUE STORY! Skeptical

Messages In This Thread
08-30-2012 Unban request - Lameedition - by LameTehMightyPirate - 02-20-2013, 11:40 AM

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