Un-Ban Request (FallenMoons) (For Sexism)
Your name: [FL:RP] FallenMoons

Your ban ID: 25204

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic

Reason: Sexism

Involved: - (Except some girl on the server, I don't know her name.

Why we should unban you: OK so I was testing the /note command, and i do admit it was stupid, but a friend told me to write "Whore" so i said, eh who cares, then pressed enter. I picked it up, it was not meant for anyone, and i walked into the pet store. Then the girl who was selling the pets came up and said, "I'M GOING TO GET YOU BANNED FOR THAT" i said it wasn't meant for her, or anyone, and deleted and then a couple seconds later, BOOM I'm banned. I am truly sorry and It was stupid to do that but I feel a ban really wasn't necessary, just a kick or a /pm would worked and i would have explained myself, anyway thank you so much. (It's really sad that this happened the day I just got donator.... ._. )

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Un-Ban Request (FallenMoons) (For Sexism) - by FallenMoons - 02-20-2013, 12:49 AM

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