[IMPORTANT] Any issues? Contact Scene!
Hello Fearless Community,

If you may not know me already my name is Scene, real name - Saxon.
I haven't been around for very long, therefore i don't think i have been noticed much. I have noticed alot of peoples insecurities within the community, and having thoughts on what people might be going through and whether they may need some sort of help, so ive decided to separate some time, put in some effort to help people in the Fearless community, with any problems they may be facing, I am thinking about studying to be a social worker for my career, if the police doesn't work out (something to fall back on) i want to contribute to society by helping people overcome difficulties and improve their lives. I thought of this because, i want to help the community as i state, and as i was thinking.. well i can't help out by giving out punishments to rule breakers, but i can continue to help newcomers and perhaps... then the idea came to me. My friends and my friends, friends... always contact me if they have a problem they are facing, and they need some advice on it or a second opinion. Now i want to move that abit further and let you all know if any of you are in need of advice or pretty much anything that i can provide, i will do my best to provide you with it, all you have to do is personal message me or add me on steam to talk about it, your confidentiality is completely private and will your PM will remain anonymous. I thoroughly enjoy helping people, problem solving and fixing issues, i also do my best to help as much as i can on the server. I have helped people through suicide/depression, bullying, deaths, fixing problems with their family, relationship, or friendship, work problems and some other things. I am already sorting somethings out already with some members in the community. If you do PM me in need of help of some kind, i will reply but sometimes i am busy with work, social life, other peoples issues or sleep, but i will respond and do my best to help you as much as i can. I haven't seen anybody post this kind of thread before, offering out help in this kind of way to the community, id like to be the first, and id love to start making a difference. You can even inbox me to talk about an event that happened today or something you just really want to talk to somebody about, it can be anything! Id love to help out some more people here.

Best Regards and Love

Messages In This Thread
[IMPORTANT] Any issues? Contact Scene! - by Syntex - 02-18-2013, 04:49 PM

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