Unban - Lemon : Admin - Salinsky
Your name: LemoN`

Your ban ID: 24846

Banned by: Salinsky

Reason: CDM

Involved: Not sure, I was driving and I died.

Why we should unban you: Well to make things short as I can, I was in a gun fight and after it was over I was at 5 HP, so I drove to the city trying to get health, but I was lagging and I couldn't see anything. I seen a car coming head on with me, and then I died. Next thing I know, I was banned for CDM. I might have been in the wrong, but I'm almost positive I was in the right lane and he hit me. I don't see any rules that I broke. If I did do anything wrong I will accept the punishment, I just dont see what I did wrong.

Much appreciated,


Messages In This Thread
Unban - Lemon : Admin - Salinsky - by Alex_Mofujohn - 02-17-2013, 09:43 PM
RE: Unban - Lemon : Admin - Salinsky - by Narc - 02-17-2013, 09:49 PM

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