Your name: CnA_InTeNsE

Your ban ID: 24691

Banned by: Salinsky and for some reason Narcotic.

Reason: CDMing, not RPing properly - Extended by Narcotic due to admitting to have lied in an unban request.

Involved: Salinsky, Narcotic for some reason.

Why we should unban you: I havent lied in my unban request. Everything i said in there, happnened. I didnt lie, i simply did not include a cdm, which was because of lag. Narcotic has extended my ban to 3 days because of apprently lying. I believe I should be at least reduced to a 24 hour ban as I shouldn't have been banned in the first place. Salinsky, banned multiple people and i believe i was online and he thought i did wrong so he banned me. Not disrespecting anyone here. I just wish to get on the server, during my only free week for at least a month or two. I was actually creating a pub when i got banned, which just shows that I was roleplaying at the time. Not minging and cdming as it says in the ban reason. I do not recall Salinsky being on at the time i did lag and crash into two people which were actually propblocking the road at the time.

Hopefully this can be resolved and i get my ban reduced or even unbanned. All i want is to get back on the server and roleplay during my half term.

Thanks you for your time and for reading this,


Messages In This Thread
UnBan - by CnA_InTeNsE - 02-17-2013, 10:34 AM
RE: UnBan - by Narc - 02-17-2013, 10:50 AM
RE: UnBan - by CnA_InTeNsE - 02-17-2013, 10:53 AM
RE: UnBan - by Narc - 02-17-2013, 10:55 AM

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