My Neck!!! "#%%/!6]$[}]$€¤"/!!!!
gaaah i've been sitting too long with FLRP these days! yesterday i finally went outside for a couple of hours, and when i got inside again, my neck hurt like hell! >.< i have to keep it to the right all the time! i cant hold it straight up because then it starts hurting, i can not turn or lay it over to the left cause that hurts too and i cant lean it forwards or backwards either!i failed sleeping tonight, cus i have to turn around every 15th minute until i fall asleep, but i could only sleep on one side tonight, and it still hurt alot! D: ive taken PILLS HERE! -but they dont work :'( i tried to play on the server after the neck-thingy happened. its like.. "wow! im driving!" and suddenly someone writes to me and it's like.. "Wow! i have to answer!" and quickly bend my head down so i almost fall off my chair in pain xD it has not gotten any better. maybe a little worse, but i wonder how long time it will take before it's over and i wonder how long time it ill take for me to keep my head straight up instead of automaticly having it leaning to the right all the time! >.<

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My Neck!!! "#%%/!6]$[}]$€¤"/!!!! - by Skaara Dreadlocks - 08-02-2010, 12:18 PM

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