Unban Sabre918
Your name: Sabre918

Your ban ID: 3396

Banned by: [FL] Faustie

Reason: Was rping with friends when the server went mad, people were killing each other so was banned for rdming

Involved: to many people to be exact but i can only apologise for my actions

Why we should unban you: It was over a year ago, back when i played with the wrong bunch of people who have all been rightfully banned, ive had a break as i said for over a year and have decided i want to come back and prove my worth, i played for months without any issues or warning was just one act of stupidity that got me here.

all i can do is apologise to the people who suffered and would like to be given the chance to redeem myself, also as you can see i am a donator i enjoy giving and would like to continue i only mention this as a show of commitment to the fear rp, i think people who jsut post a unban request should look back at there actions where as i stayed away, had a serious think about what i had done and how i could try and correct this im ready to come straight back and show im here to rp

Messages In This Thread
Unban Sabre918 - by sabre918 - 02-16-2013, 08:00 PM
RE: Unban Sabre918 - by Faustie - 02-17-2013, 12:43 PM

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