Unban request for gorden freman
Your name: gorden freman

Your ban ID: 24662

Banned by: FL:RP Salinsky

Reason: The reason is listed as: FailRP, jumping infront of a car and proppushing.

Involved: Me and a guy in a car.

Why we should unban you: I will start by saying that i made this account on this forum for the sole reason of this ban. I think its very unfair, and i dont think that Salinsky actually understood what was going on. (He didnt ask me).

It all started this way: A corleone had his car stuck on a bumper on BP gas station in rp_evocity_v2d. I approached him as he tried to proppush his car off the bumper. I told him to stop as i wanted to buy something from him. He didnt seem to listen so i took a prop away from him (using my hands) he then pointed a gun at me and i stopped. Then he proceeded to go in his car, and i ran infront of it, and told him to stop. (This is when Salinsky appeared i think). He then backed away with his car, and it got stuck on the bumper again. I spawned a prop and gently pushed his car over the bumper. He got in his car and drove away. Then Salinsky froze me and looked at me, and suddenly i was banned.
I was shocked, and like "WTF", i dont think i deserved that ban, maybe a warning at the max. I understand i shouldnt have taken the prop when he spawned it, but the whole thing lasted like 30 seconds, and i think its a very small reason to ban me for.

I was in the middle of RPing, i just got unbanned yesterday from a long ban, and i have "found the light" and i really wished to rp, and then Salinsky comes and ban me for such a small breaking of rules. Nothing that actually hurt the Rp in the game in any way. I just think Salinsky misunderstood the situation.

Alot of people were minging today and Salinsky banned alot of people (look in bans), and i just think it became automatic for him, because i actually wanted to RP. I would like to hear his version though.

Messages In This Thread
Unban request for gorden freman - by gorden freman - 02-16-2013, 04:15 PM
RE: Unban request for gorden freman - by Salinsky - 02-16-2013, 04:21 PM
RE: Unban request for gorden freman - by Salinsky - 02-16-2013, 06:02 PM
RE: Unban request for gorden freman - by Salinsky - 02-16-2013, 10:40 PM
RE: Unban request for gorden freman - by Narc - 02-16-2013, 11:21 PM

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