Banned for reasons that are not true.
Your name: TobiTheViking

Your ban ID: Id?: 24572

Banned by: [FL] Beflok

Reason: 'arguing with admin, lied to admin, disrespectful towards staff, stole car randomly', left server to avoid admin

Involved: Spycrab

Why we should unban you: Because I love this server and being away from it for 13 days would slowly kill me from the inside <3

Also because The ban says ''arguing with admin, lied to admin, disrespectful towards staff, stole car randomly', left server to avoid admin''

First of all. I did not argue with an admin. He would not listen. I had a perfect explaination.

I had driven a car i found into the gas depo and the car didn't refil. So i prop pushed it into the other depo.

Thats when the admin came.

I should not have to spend money in game to fix a bug. Thats not fair, right?

I also never lied. I didn't even get to explain myself. Because he kept interupting me telling me that ''No you can't explain this. There is nothing to explain.''.

I was respectfull towards staff. Never interupted him and also. Tried to explainmyself.

I didn't steal a car. I even told the owner i found it and was going to return it. (It was driven into a ditch by the industral area.

And the last. When i tabbed out. ALl the text ingame disapeared. SO i tried to relog.
But the server is so full. That it was almost impossible to relog. 10 minutes later i get inn. And it says i am banned.

Messages In This Thread
Banned for reasons that are not true. - by TobiTheViking - 02-15-2013, 10:22 PM

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