un ban request
Your name: Harveyyy

Your ban ID: 24389

Banned by: Fultzy

Reason: RDM / FailRP

Involved: Trolem, Some hostage.

Why we should unban you: Let me start by saying i have ~30 hours on the server. I greatly enjoy playing it and was debating whether or not i should donate. It all started out like any rp back story. My father left my mother when i was the age of 5. My mother abandoned me on the streets at the age of 10. I fell in with a bad crowd and they, to say the least abused me many times. But i had no where else to go. My life spiraled out of control and then i met Tony Hawk. Me and him got a apartment together and began killing anyone who reminded us of our past. The man we tied up had a close resemblance to the man who tortured me for all those years. Non other then Javier Montana. We asked him to come check out our new place and began tying him up. We wanted to watch him SUFFUR! He had it coming. Seeing as at this point of time i was a crazed serial killer out for revenge i began shooting his toes off 1 by 1. That's when this man said in ooc: Random hostage. I gave him this very back story. Fultzy showed up and banned me before i could explain to him that this is why i had the man hostage. Also I have been told by an admin (jokhah) before that if you have a strong backstory that serial killer rp is completly legit. That is why i believe i should be unbanned. sorry for the wall of text but i felt it was neccesary.
-Harveyyy (Carlos Garcia)

Messages In This Thread
un ban request - by Harveyyy - 02-14-2013, 03:12 AM
RE: un ban request - by Fultz - 02-14-2013, 03:31 AM

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