Ban Request on xX Flawless Xx
Okay, for first video, maybe your should include the whole story. Before the kills, you and your rebel came up to us broke FearRP and ran down the street as we had guns on you, then you pulled out an AWP, lucky I knew you were up to something sneaky, so I went around the corner and watched, as I saw that, I felt my Don was in danger, so I took action because you were aiming at the Don, so that's where I'm guessing you put the gun away and started recording. My kills were over a 7 hour period and most of them were because I was getting raided and cops kept breaking NLR. If high kill count means anything I don't know why Superlative Tree wasn't banned multiple times. [Image: 72510A802899997AE32410F213E80590A9530420]. I'm sure he had his RP reason for his kill count aswell as I did. As for the second video, I gave a reason for the demote. It sure as hell wasn't random. Other S.S were telling me you Abused your Job, Tazed random people and FailRP'd, so that was my reason for demote. On to the third video, I did not kill anyone as a citizen, I was simply seeing what was going on as a citizen, as the Nexus was being overthrown. Of course I had a firearm in self defense as I knew shootings were happening. And finally, the last video, this video has absolutely nothing to do with me, I have no clue why it was even posted. I am not in the video, nor know what even happened in the video. You also followed me and the Corleone's around for a good hour just watching, even trying to set us up to break rules.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request on xX Flawless Xx - by Mr.Lasse - 02-10-2013, 08:48 AM
RE: Ban Request on xX Flawless Xx - by bobbycorps - 02-10-2013, 08:30 PM
RE: Ban Request on xX Flawless Xx - by Dabs4MyFriends - 02-10-2013, 08:38 PM
RE: Ban Request on xX Flawless Xx - by Narc - 02-10-2013, 09:00 PM

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