Ban Request on xX Flawless Xx
Name of player: xX Flawless Xx

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59482017

Time in GMT: 7:30 am, and until now (still doing rdm) 8:30am.

Server: rp_evocity2_v2p

Summary: He keeps breaking NLR, insulting orther players, random raid, random stealing cars and droping them into the lake, and alot of rdm, he has 25 kills. random rading the president. random demote like 2minafter i changed to SS. breaking fear rp.

So me and my friend joinede the server and startet playing as rebel and then this guy xX Flawless Xx, was a corleon, so me and a friend was heading to our rebel base at the power plant and this guy randomly just killed us, then he stole my car witout a reason and dumped it into the lake. every time we met him in the town he just randomly killed us. he also went into the nexus and startet raiding the president without a reason, and when we killed him (he was unemployed) he just spawned and ran to us again. he also change to president and demoteted me from SS, without a reason, and then 2sec after the demote he changed to and other job. also when we gunpointed him at 1 time he just pulled out a gun and shot us. also later when i played SS agian he random raided the nexus saying hes reason 10min after the raid, and the reason was that corleons was banned from the city and he was a corleon, but as you can see in my recording when he raided he was an unemployed, and i had to get out of the nexus so i didnt break the NLR rule.

Evidence: RDM

Random demote

Random raid on the pressident, xX Flawless Xx said he was corleon but as you can see he is unemployed

more Rdm look at his score befor and after

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request on xX Flawless Xx - by Mr.Lasse - 02-10-2013, 08:48 AM
RE: Ban Request on xX Flawless Xx - by bobbycorps - 02-10-2013, 08:30 PM
RE: Ban Request on xX Flawless Xx - by Narc - 02-10-2013, 09:00 PM

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