American Violence[Amazing Atheist]
(01-22-2013, 08:11 AM)Callos Wrote: 0:44 was not needed.
I stopped watching.

I see that it was a joke, Very un needed? yes, did i stop watching then? yes. my point is its a joke, and as a person who enjoys anti-jokes and racist jokes and things like that, i did not mind it, but the video was on a topic i did not care that much about. you dont have to get upset over a joke. Yes what he is saying is wrong, but i like those kinds of joke. This joke was not that amusing for me though. Personly, i can't stand people who get very upset over a joke. Now some may say that jokes that are about huge, sad, horrible things can not and are not funny, but those people need to lighten up and understand the difference between a joke and being serious. Yes, i will say "Why are black people so good at basketball? Because they shoot, they steal, and they run!" but i am joking i am not a member of the KKK i do not lynch black people nore do i say N*****. Jokes dont make you a bad person, Hitler was a bad person, he did do very fucked up things, but i still see no harm in making a simple joke about it. People need to lighten up and not be so butthurt.

Messages In This Thread
RE: American Violence[Amazing Atheist] - by Giant Pony - 02-10-2013, 02:51 AM
RE: American Violence[Amazing Atheist] - by Adman - 02-10-2013, 10:44 AM

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