Unfairly/Unjustifiably ban on Stormbugz.
I saw the rebel pushing your car alot of times, at the rebel base, he also propkilled you like 4 times with props. I also saw him pushing your truck, so it stuck into the tunnel, also there was no admins on so you could not get them to take it out. i also saw the rebel pushing your truck into the Tides hotel. and failrp ? we did some very nice rp at the MTL with alot of SS, Cops, and all the Corleons, and you Stormbugz was leading that Rping at MTL he did such a nice job there best rp i have ever tried. And the about the cdm the rebel was pushing your truck into people. best of luck to you Stormbugz i hope you get unban so we can go do some nice rp again, i realy enjoyed playing with you, and i dont think you desserve the ban.

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RE: Unban request - Stormbugz - by Mr.Lasse - 02-06-2013, 12:57 PM

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