BR JGalla - STEAM_0:1:6887173
Name of player: JGalla

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:6887173

Time in GMT: 2013-02-03 20:44:56 (What my fraps says updated it to GMT)


Summary: There was a raid at the Nexus garage then a cop by the name JGalla used a seat to get down.

"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy

Messages In This Thread
BR JGalla - STEAM_0:1:6887173 - by Deriptz - 02-05-2013, 09:33 PM
RE: BR JGalla - STEAM_0:1:6887173 - by Narc - 02-06-2013, 12:00 AM

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