Ban Request - @Gurgle528
Name of player: @Gurgle528

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:35700982

Time in GMT: 06:05

Server: v33x

Summary: So I was on my way to the city, when a van passes by, I ask for a lift, and the guy driving almost kills me by cdm, then a cop comes out of the truck saying "I just gonna shoot him" I start recording.

It's possible that the cop was working with the corleones (corrupt cop), but I don't have the evidence for that.


Messages In This Thread
Ban Request - @Gurgle528 - by Kobi Blade - 02-02-2013, 06:15 AM
RE: Ban Request - @Gurgle528 - by Termin - 02-02-2013, 12:52 PM

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