WAss killed by an ally
SteamID: i dont know
NAME: Josh(victor johonson)
Time in GMT: gmt+2 18:52

Server: 2_v2p.

Summary: I was walking around on the streets when I suddenly saw a note on the floor, which showed sexism, you probably see what Juice meant to create.
I find this immature, and annoying, because this has nothing to do with RolePlaying.

about 18:47 estonian time. +2gmt i responded to call ( someone was raiding us) Josh(victor johonson) was unarrmed all time. except me and (FL:RP) weed marley , we were heavy armed. i got shotgun he got ak47, suddenly we had a chance to kill the reaiders i decided to stay on the base and protect it if something went wrong . Sudenly something went wrong and WEED marley was killed then Josh(Team killer) . i was whole time in the building . may be at 18:52estonian time. +2gmt. came Josh( team killer) and started screaming, : OPEN UP OPEN UP. i opened the door and let him in.(by pressing button) ( whole time i was holding shotgun in my hands) he said, dude did you steal my gun . I said : no . then started typing: which gun did you lo...... .... then BAAAAM. was killed by him and he said: i know you did, ( WHAAAAT , are you ducking seriously? you was just ducking unarmed and i was wole time siting in the house and didnt know the password to get out and help you guys) and he said he will report me. ( omg he is silly or how? team killed and broke NLR) and took my shotgun.
check the logs please and punish him.afterall he switched the job

Messages In This Thread
WAss killed by an ally - by gravious - 01-30-2013, 05:14 PM
RE: WAss killed by an ally - by Nook - 01-30-2013, 06:34 PM
RE: WAss killed by an ally - by CorieTheNub - 01-30-2013, 06:42 PM
RE: WAss killed by an ally - by DoomDude1 - 02-04-2013, 12:28 AM

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