Mondays.. i know u hate them to.
Hi guys. i just posted this to share what my Monday looked like.

Pretty crazy... x_X

Ill start by last week, i had to install a new siren for the fire alarm. That did not get finished last week because of problems with walls and cables and so on.

So i got to school today thinking that i would continue working on the siren so that
would be in order for inspection.

I had just put on my work clothing and the technical adviser walks in and tells me that i have to go 2 projectors. I told him that the sirens were not even close to finished and that i was told that they were priority.
He told me that the projectors had to be done by the end of the day.
I had not even started and an other teacher approached me asking when the siren would be done. I did not know so i said go talk to my teacher, he got pissed lol.

By noon an other teacher comes to me asking to move the scaffolding that was used
for the siren. I
But the d*ck told me last week to put it there so he could use it today. x_X
I called my teacher to get these people of my back and get going on my work.

I did finish in time but about 30 minutes before i am supposed to go home,
ANOTHER teacher comes up to me complaining that the internet died.
I said no changes have been made to the network since last week so i said go to the IT guy. Guess what, He got pissed of at me to! Amazing.

But by then i had cleaned up and i basically said f*ck you guys, i'm going home. xD

So this was my Monday at school. Yeah SCHOOL x_X.

I study my fifth year electrical installations.
And everyone likes to ask me everything to fix this , install that.
I was supposed to learn some new PLC system. But iv been spending 2 years now going around the school working. sure i learn of that but remember , this is hard work and very frustrating. Even worse, i dont get paid. but they save money because they don't need to hire an electrician

If i'm class ( and not around the school fixing everything)
my desk looks like this =

[Image: WP_000038_zps1ac26fc2.jpg]

Post what you had to do today Cheese

Messages In This Thread
Mondays.. i know u hate them to. - by TheCorperal - 01-28-2013, 05:01 PM
RE: Mondays.. i know u hate them to. - by Toxic - 01-28-2013, 05:10 PM
RE: Mondays.. i know u hate them to. - by Narc - 01-28-2013, 06:12 PM
RE: Mondays.. i know u hate them to. - by ToasTie - 01-28-2013, 06:27 PM
RE: Mondays.. i know u hate them to. - by GRiiM - 01-29-2013, 01:25 AM
RE: Mondays.. i know u hate them to. - by Zealord - 01-29-2013, 06:59 PM

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