BR: BOT Martin, Abusive language and swearing in caps.
That with the tazer was acculy BOT Adan, he also later on randomly tried to kill me (i was cop). I had music on and didnt hear everything he said, but something like "Mr colt, bla bla police commander bla must die, sry" then started shooting me. While doing this i ran to safty and started shooting back when i think his friend "Quickly" somthing ran toward me and hit me with fists while Adan shot at me, I later tazed Quickly and got an arrest warrant, when Bot Adan came without his suit this time didnt know it was him, he tried to stab me in the back and i got to him with tazer as well when quickly walked on him and killed him then asked me why i killed him.

Sry for bad grammar och such.

Also i saw Bot Martin RDM for "Revenge" as Al Sevenfold claims.

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RE: BR: BOT Martin, Abusive language and swearing in caps. - by Mr Colt - 01-24-2013, 03:54 PM

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