3d modelling City Enviroment (Update 2)
Hello everyone!

A few weeks back, i began my work on creating a City Enviroment, which i was creating for a project, that is going to determine what i get in my Exams. I have spent a bit more time on it, and from last time, i think that i have done quite alot more work.

Most of the models (90%) Were created by me, and then the remaining 10% were given to me for the project, which were created by my close friends, and i would like to say thanks to them for helping me out.

Here are a few pictures of my project so far, it is not completed, as i have not added much more detail into it, but i am trying to expand on the City itself, and then add detail to it later on.

I would love to get some feedback from you, aswell as Tips, as i need as much help with making it as good as possible, to get the highest Grade. I hope that you like it, and please make sure to give me your honest opinion, you don't have to be nice! Tounge

[Image: 1-1.png]

Top-Down View of the Entrance to the City

[Image: 2-1.png]

Image of Flats near the Entrance to the City

[Image: 3-1.png]

Alley way in front of Apartments (Very low amount of work done on this area so far)

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3d modelling City Enviroment (Update 2) - by Commander Fi5h - 01-23-2013, 09:41 PM

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