Request on DarkGhost
Player name: DarkGhost

SteamID (if possible): STEAM_0:1:7356542 (but not sure, sorry)

Time in GMT: 00:30

Summary: I was just patrolling around the city, when suddenly I found an officer shooting at the commander. I stopped my Hummer between them two, and the officer kept shooting at the commander until he killed him. As I was an SS, I decided that I should do something, so I went next to him and said "What are you doing, you idiot?", as there was another corpse of a cop in the floor. Then he shot at me with his pistol and left. Total: killing 3 cops as cop. We also had reports of random KOs.

Evidence: I just have a screenshot of him leaving, after he killed me (with the screen still red), but I think it would be saved in the logs.
I don't have a FL signature...
But look! I have BACON!

[Image: bacon.png]

Messages In This Thread
Request on DarkGhost - by Penguin - 03-08-2011, 12:49 AM

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