Good bye for quite awhile anyways
Hello friends of Fearless. Some of you may have noticed, or even have ever seen me before but I have been unactive for the past month and a half and I guess you could say iv lost my pashion in a way you know? There has been other games taping my interest that id rather play and varity, for sure this is not a good bye forever as I will come back. Just a big pause for now get my head strait get some life back into the role play game I blew hours of Essay writting time on. So good bye for now, adieu to all my close friends and I will now say some goodbyes. :) Your Close friend, Ludo

Jarz - You're like my online brother man, always there for me your the best of friends and the one guy I would go into for a bad ass marriage RP that was the base of everything :) You were my right hand man for everything I did on the server and I hope we can stay intouch.

Greekin - My little skype protegee, I remember when you first started off on FL you could barely keep a knife in your inventory without dying, you've come along way since begging me and always having to support you with Mp5's but in the end we still talk close to everyday and you became a good advice men for my clan. Thanks man

Lt. Grub- Aaah, Grubby. I will never forget the night I had a blast with you and your "PawnShop" how I would rush in with some ridiculous item and would not leave till you bought it, man that was fun. Although we had some difficulty in the past with rumors and pointless drama between the two of our clans I hope we grew from that and we can still talk once in awhile find something to do together. :)

Termin- Heey Termy AKA MinecraftBudy, we need to talk again hook up with some new MC videeos home boy, No but we had some fun RP's you and I with that car dealer ship what a fun day. Hope we stay in touch you swag tastik devil you.

Vauld- If there is any man who can make a scary game out of Garry's Mod its you my friend. loved the planning in every single RP you did with Vault, Natural Disaster, Futuristic Alien invasions. But when ever I did an RP you maybe it your job to slam the doors down and make everything as hilariously chaotic as possible ;) Thanks for the fun times Vauldy.

Alexia- God, I hope you get a chance to read this. Alexia, you were the first admin I had ever befriended and one of my favorite former ones. You always stopped in checking on my RP's giving me hints when I was just starting off into the world of rps always responding my admin calls. You were great. BTW you are the only one I would ever permit to call me Unicorn :P

SoulRipper- Thank you for such a wonderful experience with a great staff and server, Please keep this going for as long as you possibly can. I can not thank you enough for giving me tons of hours of fun in one game, the laughs, the scares and the friends I have made because of your community. Thank you Soul, and don't you ever forget this.

The Goddess Zelda- Eh Canadian buddy! Sucks that I'm leaving but its been fun having a laugh with yah!

SpartanJunior- Ah, hey old friend you were one of the very first as well and we have been friends since my early months in FL, do you recall that one RP we did with
the alien hunting. boy was that fun. Gonna miss you buddy.

Lolo- For those whom do not know him I would not blame you as he has not played for a year and he wont read this but I really wanna give HIM a big thanks because he is the one that introduced me to all of FL and its glorious wonders. Thanks Lolo you dota 2 freak ;)

Thanks everyone, sorry if I did not get a chance to say my goodbyes to everyone as I would be typing here all day. But thank you FL, you have been fun and I hope that I can find some time or enthusiasm to come back soon and be active. Once more your friend Ludo. Goodbye all.
[Image: QAlZlgi.png]

Messages In This Thread
Good bye for quite awhile anyways - by Ludo - 01-19-2013, 05:31 AM
RE: Good bye for quite awhile anyways - by Weecow - 01-19-2013, 08:55 AM
RE: Good bye for quite awhile anyways - by Humla - 01-19-2013, 09:39 AM
RE: Good bye for quite awhile anyways - by Narc - 01-19-2013, 10:40 AM
RE: Good bye for quite awhile anyways - by Niimo - 01-19-2013, 11:33 AM
RE: Good bye for quite awhile anyways - by Apex - 01-19-2013, 05:59 PM

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