Ban reduction request
Lovely, let's get started here.

Let us indeed. I hope we can at least resolve this in a mature fashion.

First off, Constantine is neither my friend, nor has he ever been. I was called by him via the request chat, and I have answered.

We never indicated that he was your friend, we merely stated that your actions strongly made it seem like that since you were siding with him, being actively unwilling to listen to our side of the story.

Now, let's break your walls of text down and analyse them, shall we? I have copied a few sentences which I found in need of clarification:

It does indeed seem like we were a bit unclear because you don't seem to really understand most of it. Allow me to re-clarify.

PissForLube and myself have been playing on this server for quite some time, for well over 20 hours in fact.

That's really not a notable amount of time.

It is when you consider that some people have jobs, school or other occupations of our time that prohibit us from playing 24/7.

[i]Unprofessionally, the moderator did not use a microphone.

How did you even come up with this?

I guess, for one, by means of the fact that it's simply the case.

Well, for one, I do not have to use the microphone in communicating, neither is it a must in dealing with cases.

This is true, but it is highly recommended. We were talking through each-other and communication was disorderly; comprehensions were not made as they should have been and we were not as able to listen to each other as we would have been if you would have had a microphone. Even a novice could have realized that the situation went haywire to a large extent because of this.

Also, it gives my physical evidence to my words, while your chat is purely in voice.

That's true as well, but why would there be any need to there being written evidence of your words when you're simply going to gloss over our part in this and ban us simply because you were summoned by the wrong person and instantly adhered to his request? E.g.: "This person summons me, the person near him must be doing something wrong." We regret to have been in a position where you seemed to fail to be able to tear yourself away from this principal. As such, this is not a personal jab at you, it would have simply been much more efficient if you had a microphone.

As to the "homophobia" apparently being a valid reason for this long ban, out of rage for having spent so much in-game currency on this contraband we needed to thicken our reserve a bit, I did call him the "F-word" on a single occasion.

Your first offence was when I have first arrived. Later on, while I was banning your friend Pissforlube, you proceeded on being homophobic again as has your friend Hamstertractor.

Perhaps you did not read my post. I believe I aptly explained we did not express any homophobic tendencies. Just in case you did but futher appear to not fully comprehend, I shall elaborate.
7. [The definition applying] (pejorative, vulgar, US, colloquial) An annoying or inconsiderate person.

Furthermore, I understand the link with homosexual males, but not the fear or hatred thereof which you imply we expressed. Especially not to the extent that it should be valid testament for a ban during a one-time statement from my personal end, and a few uses of those others involved, who, yet again, had to contend with the illegal, money- and time-depriving idiocy that enraged us so while we were merely trying to have nice, clean, creative fun.

[i]Since I had not moved for several minutes I was of course autokicked for being AFK. I find it astonishing, almost comical, in a way, that administrators then choose not to check their precious "logs" to see that.

You were being autokicked? No, you chose to disconnect after I have banned Pissforlube, you even mumbled out his ban reason.

I find it quite amusing that you fail to consult your precious logs for this issue. Kindly provide the necessary information to back up your claims. ShitForFood was auto-kicked.

[i]I forgive the hasty decision to ban all of us and not even analyzing the whole situation.

I do thank you for your forgiveness. In case you didn't understand, that was sarcasm. I have spent plenty of time listening to your explanations and assessing the situation.

Wrong again, you spent time [i]hearing
, not listening. I also don't understand the rudeness when we're merely giving you the facts of what happened in a concerned, orderly manner. Then, I had to watch my attitude? I suppose I'm merely learning from the example given, then.

We stand for proper-role playing values and the preservation of a good and decent FearlessRP world.

I beg to differ, since I know proper FL role-players, and let me tell you, you are not among them/

I know several as well, and I know how to play it properly. This odd-one-out scenario that you refused to allow to be explained properly should not count at all to describe us since you have never seen us otherwise.

[i]staff comply with the rules they themselves not only manufactured, but are duty-bound to adhere to.

If you feel I have broken the rules or abused my powers, make an moderator abuse thread. Although, I must admit, I fail to see where this is coming from.

Then I'm afraid I must insist that you read through our posts again.

[i]Now, let's address the other issues.

-Police officers are ONLY allowed to equip MP5s as a secondary weapon. It is not failRP.

This was not the case, as we also clearly stated. He broke into our place, which you cleverly overlooked, wielding the weapon, pointing it at Hamstertractor, proceeded to shoot the contraband which caused me to hurry away from the prop I spawned and hastily froze - anywhere - , yes, near one of the four valid entrances to the building, as I was just to start building there but got interrupted by the police officer who then summoned you because we insulted him (albeit very little) as literally our ONLY rebuttal towards his actions. Seriously? Come on.

-I have checked the logs about Constantine's death, he hadn't died in the previous 10-15 minutes.

Which makes it very realistic that he, after that time, magically retains non-life-crucial information (so unlike a possible house or other place or residence, his friends and/or family) such as where he saw us placing contraband before, only to come back, break in, random-warrant us AFTER shooting our props, contraband and bodies.

-You only stopped shouting "NLR" after I have told you that the logs show he hadn't died, yet you bring it up here.


-You propblocked, plain and simple. PissforLube even stated "That he had read all of the rules and that he knows them", thus this was an intentional rule broken.

I indeed know the rules. You can't prop-block at all, and I realize that it was wrong. Now, tell me what your attention would most likely veer to when a random burglar who happens to be a policeman has an MP5 ready and fires at his leasure, only asking questions later? I've seen CDMs as a policeman but this is quite a lot more professional and heavier rule-breaking in total than what all of us have done, perhaps, together. Yet he walks free, perhaps to do more damage to the server. Injustice if I ever saw it.

-Your friend was a doctor, basing with you. You also had a LOT of contraband. Don't try to sell the story he did not have enough time to press 1 button and switch jobs.

We're not "selling you any story", we're simply telling you we just picked him up as he FINALLY installed the map and acquired all the files from the server, got picked up by us at his spawnpoint by car and hooked up in this place with him. When being raided instantly upon arrival, as we were telling him to change classes AS we were being raided (which, believe it or not, logic dictates becomes the primary topic all of a sudden!) by multiple cops with heavy weaponry. He simply did not have the time. If you choose to "use" your powers to disregard that fact, then we find that very regrettable.

-You friend Pissforlube was disrespectful.

I had a bad day and this situation made it quite a lot worse. I wasn't going to nicely tell the policeman with the powerful gun that I was going to do everything he wanted with my life after he shot all of our expensive contraband to hell. You wouldn't have either.

I have asked for a extension of your bans as I did see you ignore the rules, which you claim to know, and generally try to attack my professionalism and Constantine, rather that following the rules and explaining yourselves. I would also review your attitude, as it was not fit of a "Proper RP player" (which you claim to be)

I'm not even going to begin to respond to that one, that's just too ridiculous.

I do not see a reason for an unban, and am against it.

A yay for random-raiding as policemen and using:

- A random warrant on the users inside to justify the raiding
- Fortunately coming across the users' contraband inside to justify it to an administrator they call to really kick them when they're down
- Shock one of the people who left a prop frozen in suspense to try and fend off the policeman without using force

I might give that a try some time when it goes unpunished anyway.
After all, all I have to do is wait 10-15 minutes for my memory to return, right? I'm a magical policeman, yaaay!

I also forgot to mention, you claim to have seen many rules broken, yet you haven't used @ once. Are you sure you've read the rules?

Yes, I'm sure. Thanks for your concern.

Messages In This Thread
Ban reduction request - by Erythrolux - 01-13-2013, 01:35 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by Tribal - 01-13-2013, 02:10 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by DoomDude1 - 01-13-2013, 03:22 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by Tribal - 01-13-2013, 04:22 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by Hamstertractor - 01-13-2013, 04:06 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by Erythrolux - 01-13-2013, 06:03 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by Tribal - 01-13-2013, 06:07 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by Termin - 01-15-2013, 09:15 AM

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