Ban Request: Dragon King 14
# 485 "Dragon King 14" STEAM_0:1:2046821

This guy was playing as a Black Market Dealer at ~ 8:50 PM PST.

Him and a guy called "Killer X"

Name of players: Killer X (unemployed) and Dragon king (BMD)

SteamID: "Killer X"

# 485 "Dragon King 14" STEAM_0:1:2046821

Time in GMT: 8:50 pm PST? GMT -8 I think.


Were selling weed to the weed buyer NPC behind the apartments. I asked if I could buy from him over voip, for 5 kevlars. I asked the guy with him to stay away, he said THat guy is with me hes cool. so I say ok, I pay him the demanded 8000 and he spawned 5, I hit e, get one, the rest are suddenly gone, and his "cool guy " is running back to their car and this guy says GO over voip. they then start running so Im like dude wtf, start trying to get them away from car, guy straight out runs so I get my gun out, say FREEZE THIEF and he keeps running so I shoot him as a warning and he goes down with 2 bullets. bmd runs me over, says in local "its cool dude I got his mp5, respawn ill get you. "

he then says in ooc ITS NOT ME ITS KILLER, but theyre obviously a team, and he straight out killed me as BMD after I bought from him. Last I knew, this was called a scam. I asked in ooc and others have had problems with him and killer random raiding as market classes.


trying to get my fraps to work, but my computer is rendering realllllllllly slowly. Im told others have screens to post of him as well, so hopefully those will come up soon. Ill post my screens/ video later when its done.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request: Dragon King 14 - by Bcaseb - 01-13-2013, 05:13 AM
RE: Ban Request: Dragon King 14 - by Jamie - 01-13-2013, 01:29 PM
RE: Ban Request: Dragon King 14 - by Grub - 01-17-2013, 02:01 AM

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