Clans. Used for RP or an excuse for violence.
(01-12-2013, 08:42 AM)Commander Fi5h Wrote: I think what you have said is very true,

Many of the Clans are particually violent, but there is one way to stop them and it is very simple. I normally base with 1-3 people, including myself, and a group of rebels, or Coreleone, who have made a RP clan come up to your base. Simply take them out.
It is not as hard as it sounds, and they carry guns around, but many of them do not even have a simple skill for shooting with them.

If you are good with guns, like myself, then try and get to a good area where they will not expect you to be, while they are trying to raid you, and then shoot the living hell into them, and once you have killed one of them, hopefully the others will run off.

If it is not raiding that you are having a problem with, try and make a Clan that you can use and try to stop them from doing whatever it is annoying you. I have seen many Terrorist Clans, with people randomly shooting people, and it is rather easy to stop them, simply just get an admin to sort it out!

Hope my infomation helps you slightly!

See that's exactly what I'm trying to get away from. I'd like to think I'm pretty good with many of the guns. I'm sick of having to grease people just so I can go back to having a good time roleplaying in bits an pieces between raid attempts. I don't feel I should have to base to have a good time and contra really seems weak to me. I don't have 93889430573498057 million dollars. I don't have every car and suit. I have what I need though. Playing here to me has nothing to do with money, items, or fighting. It's just about the fun of it all. I used to be the opposite and lacked good understanding of why the older players in this group would get on people about it. After experiencing, reading the threads some, and watching the madness when it happens. It seems kinda lame to me. Raiding the president for good reasons is fine and when your not involved sometimes it can be a cool event. Usually though it's a group of inexperienced players not listening to their one or two experienced players and it ends up with see prez shoot prez. The one time I can remember actually raiding the prez, the crew I was with and myself hostaged him and anyone that surrendered, held the floor for 6 minutes, then ended up killing the president because of the second legitimate wave of government. The NLR breakers didn't stand a chance because we had the defenses. We roleplayed it out too. Calling each other by code names, listed demands for the president, gave him a chance not to die, we were planning on using him as a shield to get us out of the building and ditching him on the side of the road somewhere when we were clear. 95% of the rest of the violence is just a blur.

I can remember almost every actual roleplay encounter and event that I was in or a part of in some way. I remember when Bloopz went on a gundealer kick and loads of people were in his store all the time to hang out and party. One time I saw a guy roleplaying as a vending machine. Jamie sang in an opera. I had to defend myself in court from a wrongful arrest charge. Took part in a city council meeting. These things were more fun then the most intense gunfight I ever got in. (only gunfight that came close was me + carnage vs ruxandra, the police, and a few ss. Ruxandra = intimidating and never tell her to drink a tall glass of stfu in character. it makes her more aggressive)

Today I tried to stick to non aggressive roleplay. I was a secretary for 3.5 hours. A homeless guy (a real one not those minge guys that run into nexus every 3 seconds) . A crackhead...Can't elaborate here what all I did as a crackhead. Then I left RP to practice building something new to me. Trust me when I say this, unless I'm SS or a cop, I'm pretty much done with violence on the servers unless it's the only remaining option. I shouldn't have to fight gangs, mob, clans, cops, ss, and every unemployed just to get a chance at roleplaying and I refuse to take part in it anymore. New leaf time. Evocity Merchants Guild will be a success.

p.s. the clan name is still a work in progress

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RE: Clans. Used for RP or an excuse for violence. - by Old Man Jokhah - 01-12-2013, 09:03 AM

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