Clans. Used for RP or an excuse for violence.
I think what you have said is very true,

Many of the Clans are particually violent, but there is one way to stop them and it is very simple. I normally base with 1-3 people, including myself, and a group of rebels, or Coreleone, who have made a RP clan come up to your base. Simply take them out.
It is not as hard as it sounds, and they carry guns around, but many of them do not even have a simple skill for shooting with them.

If you are good with guns, like myself, then try and get to a good area where they will not expect you to be, while they are trying to raid you, and then shoot the living hell into them, and once you have killed one of them, hopefully the others will run off.

If it is not raiding that you are having a problem with, try and make a Clan that you can use and try to stop them from doing whatever it is annoying you. I have seen many Terrorist Clans, with people randomly shooting people, and it is rather easy to stop them, simply just get an admin to sort it out!

Hope my infomation helps you slightly!

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RE: Clans. Used for RP or an excuse for violence. - by Commander Fi5h - 01-12-2013, 08:42 AM

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