Clans. Used for RP or an excuse for violence.
(01-11-2013, 10:01 PM)Fultzy Wrote: Honestly if you think it is bad now you should have seen clans before. We honestly have it better off in my opinion on this current time. I mean we honestly havent had a full fledged clan war since the SAA - Fumuku War. I mean back in the day clan wars were a usual thing. And the clans were nastier than most of them today. The only difference with today is there isnt really any passive on the one side. While the clans still are just about as aggressive but not towards each other. And if you are looking at the clans of today most of them dont even last for the points the Doom said. There are only a select amount of clans that have made for a while, most of them die off in a couple months if it even takes that long.
Clan Claims created shitstorms. That's all I remember... I'm glad their gone now.

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RE: Clans. Used for RP or an excuse for violence. - by Joey Skylynx - 01-12-2013, 02:46 AM

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