I was contending with this giant minge and his 5 year old brother, dill.freeman
STEAM_0:1:52195520 is mrdirty's steamid, I don't have his brothers. I have many screens of them rdming. they rdmed AT LEAST 10-15 times last night. I started as rebel, he was rebel leader wiwth his bro, hiding, giving 0 orders, contrawhoring. he came up to our(me and markedfordeath's) base, asked to come in, we asked him whwy, to step down, etc.

he responded with " or else, idiots. let me in now." over voip. his little brother would just scream into his mic at random intervals.

mrdirty then proceeded to propkill us and steal our cars and kept teamkilling us.

then, when we finally got him back and got a cop to arrest him for tk, assorted mingery, he changed jobs to president and warranted us and propblocked himself into his office.

we waited a while, tried burning him out of it, but after many screen shots of the propblock we (all of cops + ss + rebels and some unemployed) nocollided chairs and pushed each other thru the propblock to kill the pres.

I went pres so his little bro couldnt, and did the best job I could for the ~30 min I remained online. I gave the job to someone who I thought would do a good job, and wanted to become pres.

I have 30+ screenshots in my gmod folder on these kids, availble at request, him and his bro need perma bans. seriously, please.

edit: he left ~5 min after we got thru his propblock IIRC

Messages In This Thread
mrdirtyd11 - by Flux - 01-11-2013, 09:22 AM
RE: mrdirtyd11 - by SpencerSx - 01-11-2013, 09:55 AM
RE: mrdirtyd11 - by Bcaseb - 01-11-2013, 11:37 PM
RE: mrdirtyd11 - by Astroo - 01-12-2013, 03:26 AM
RE: mrdirtyd11 - by Jamie - 01-13-2013, 02:15 PM

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