Clans. Used for RP or an excuse for violence.
This is just the reason why i felt i never really was a part of my past clan. For believe it or not im not really that much of a violent person. When most of my past clan mates were out raiding stuff i tried to avoid it by either standing guard at the base or leaving them to do their stuff while i just talk to them or go fish or something. And just because of all the violence within clans is why i created my clan. To prove that criminal clans can be passive in one way or another is why i formed The North Syndicate where clan rule number one is don't start unnecessary fights and always try diplomacy before you do anything that would be able to get you arrested. And the core reason for that is because i wanted to have the old movie like feel of the Mafia. You know where the Mafia mostly try to rule with diplomacy first and if that fails they try to scare their opponents before they even think of shooting them.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

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RE: Clans. Used for RP or an excuse for violence. - by Foxy The Pirate - 01-11-2013, 07:26 AM

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