Ban request "SDK.;|^^{Chatot-ペラップ} ["
Wow this is nothing compared to what he did the other day. Biggest meta gamer alive. He and he's friend Noodles allways meta gaming. They went press. Tax whoring. Then when they banned us rebels from city and said that we could be arred on sight. We went to city and killed him. (Noodles) Who Chatot Was the ss. Then he quickly went president. Noodles logs out. Comes back and 1min later he is president again. They did this 4 times. Then they kept saying that we were RDM'ing them.

They then started going on the road still with a tax of 30 and hiding in houses. What seemed more funny was that all the other player had experienced them minging and nlr breaking and president holding on the server. And they only have a combined 80 hours ingame...

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RE: Ban request "SDK.;|^^{Chatot-ペラップ} [" - by Exiscion - 01-08-2013, 09:30 AM

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