Sexism, I just about had enough of it :)
(01-06-2013, 08:17 AM)Jokhah Wrote: Personally I don't see why I would treat you very different. Being female may change some of the ways I'd talk to you. Simple things really like miss/ma'am/lady/woman/girl ect. But that is only a minor change. I've done work with you in this game before, not much but I remember good people. I never really knew you were a girl anyway, not that it matters to me. I hope you don't leave, but it's your call. Stopping you would be wrong if you feel it's what you wanna do. Most players are 20 and younger and some of them feel they might stand a chance picking you up one day. Dunno and don't care. I'm not good at speaking to people as it is and I am rough to understand, but my policy on life is "it is what it is" so if you stay good, if not good luck. You'll always be a brother to me.

P.S. I think we burned babies and hung them together once. Baby bakers are hard to find. We also laid waste to the cops for trying to stop us. Your down as cool in my book for stickin it to the man in times of need.

LOL Yes the babies! Burning babies in FL for the win!

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RE: Sexism, I just about had enough of it :) - by Xenomez - 01-06-2013, 08:23 AM

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