[Unofficial][Pas/Agr] GB Underground [CLOSED]
IC Information: i am a strong fighter and a loyal subject, i am very tall and i am crazy. I have few weapons and 2 cars. i have a strong will and will do as i am told.

What is your name? Hippo Von Nerrio

What is your age? 27 my birthday is on July 7th.
What is your desire in the family, and what rank would you like to apply for? LPS Right hand and if that is not availible LPS soldier.

Tell us something about yourself! I am a 27 year old man who has been told he is crazy. although i am a strong fighter and will do as i am told. I do not picture myself as a leader, but i can give good instructions and be strict when needed which is why i want to be LPS right hand.

OOC Information: I attend a vo-tech i am a millwright aprentice, and i am 15.

How many bans have you got on the server? 3 bans.

How many hours have you got on the server? 105 hours.

What's the amount of RP Points that you have? 0

Why would you like to join? Because this clan sounds and looks really good, also i like the fact that i can learn more here and that you guys seem helpfull. the setup of this clan is also very nice. Cheese

What is your Steam Name? Giant Pony

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RE: [Unofficial][Pas/Agr] GB Underground - by Giant Pony - 01-05-2013, 07:31 PM

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