[Unofficial][Pas/Agr] GB Underground [CLOSED]
What is your name? Hippo Von Nerria

What is your age? i am 27.

What is your desire in the family, and what rank would you like to apply for? i would like to help out as much as possible, and i also would like to learn the things you have to offer. i would like to be a Local Protectoin Server (LPS), but if that is not availible i would be fine as a soldier.

Tell us something about yourself! i love garrys mod. i play soccer, and i attend a vo tech school. at my school i am a millwright aprentice.

OOC Information: i am 14 almost 15, i am a freshmen thats about it tht i didnt mention before.

How many bans have you got on the server? currently 3.

How many hours have you got on the server? i have just over 100 hours.

What's the amount of RP Points that you have? i currently have 0 rp points.

Why would you like to join? i would like a new trust worthy clan that i can trust, and i like that you guys can teach me stuff like how to build because im not that good at building.

What is your Steam Name? Giant Pony

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RE: [Unofficial][Pas/Agr] GB Underground - by Giant Pony - 01-04-2013, 08:53 PM

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