Innocent Citizen - Please Read.
Your name: PissForLube ("Kane Dawson" in game)

Your ban ID: 20874

Banned by: Trillz

Reason: Propblock / Basing as doctor / Reread the rules

Involved: ShitForFood (Rick Dawson), the admin Trillz and Kakcraft, the culprit of my ban.

Why we should unban you: The story:

ShitForFood and me, who run a shop together selling goods of either medicinal, food or weaponry purposes (whichever job at least one of us can get his hands on) always go to "Izzy's Palace" to run our place. We then purchase shipments of the goods and sell them to customers who read our adverts/pass by.

This time, I pasted our little shop base in the area, but my friend ShitForFood informed me that his car had been stolen; he could see the thief driving off with it and thus followed him. I quickly run out, seeing as there is no time to lose and attempt to take a different road to cut the thief off and try and get him to stop. To no avail.

Five minutes later, we arrive back at our place at "Izzy's Palace" to find the (map-)doors to be bought by someone else: Kakcraft. I politely summon the person and he says I should have "bought the doors". In all the commotion of running after the thief of my friend's car during the meager 5 minutes, I had forgotten to buy these, since we had to [undefined=undefined]run[/undefined].

Duely note, however, that Kakcraft didn't come from the inside of the building. I called for him in the OOC chat and he arrived roughly 3 minutes after my first summons. Not willing to allow us to enter our building (which me and ShitForFood) always use, Kakcraft summoned an admin faster than either of us could. He then did his own explanation, illustrating how we must have propblocked Kakcraft's base (from the inside??) rather than saying that he placed a few props near the entrance to prohibit us from entering our place, then called an administrator to the scene and told him of ShitForFood and me doing to him what he did unto us.

I expected the administrator to see through this obvious idiocy, but, sadly, he did not. Allowing a minor initial explanation from my part, he went back to the front gate and asked where my keypads for opening it were. This is the only mistake I admit making, to some extent, as said administrator informed me they have to be next to the entrance itself. They were, admittedly, less than a full second's motion away, merely "hidden" behind world-object, but I was under the impression that this was allowed.

One wouldn't, after all, want to invite unwanted players, (failrp'ers, perhaps) that somehow managed to obtain a keypad cracker to enter our base and steal our products, would we? This goes for every base and is assumable logic; I did read the rules. I realize that this generates a problem and apologize for any inconvenience, as well as I promise to place keypads within a charater's foot from the door from now on. Nevertheless, not willing to contradict an administrator's means, I believe this admittedly minor and indirect deviation from a lesser rule I didn't realize I had even broken could have been well retorted with a warning instead of a ban.

Our intentions were not to break the rules, we just came back, somewhat defeated by not having been able to reobtain ShitForFood's car, to our surprise, noticing that our place had also been stolen from us. We went at this with the best intentions, but the administrator just banned me for 24 hours using a description that does not at all illustrate what I have done, but what I had been the victim of.

I'm afraid I had expected the administrator to listen to my side of the story more thoroughly, in case I had indeed broken some rule. After close review, however, I cannot see either my friend or me having broken any.


Propblock: This is what I was, as priorly stated, the victim of, but got banned for, rather than the other way around, which would have been the judgement this no doubt fine admin was looking for.

Basing as doctor: ShitForFood and me have sold products of this nature in a shop we set up in this very establishment many times before; our joint played times speak for themselves, and so do our many satisfied customers. There has never been a complaint made of this. Furthermore, nothing even related to this is in the rules, nor did the administrator in question choose to point me to this being disallowed or even remotely frowned upon.

Reread the rules: I have.

Thank you for reading through this long block of text.

- A FearlessRP citizen who's concerned with the integrity of our fine world
( and also a little sad )

Messages In This Thread
Innocent Citizen - Please Read. - by Tribal - 01-03-2013, 10:44 PM
RE: Innocent Citizen - Please Read. - by Fultz - 01-03-2013, 10:59 PM
RE: Innocent Citizen - Please Read. - by Tribal - 01-04-2013, 12:48 PM
RE: Innocent Citizen - Please Read. - by Termin - 01-06-2013, 11:09 AM

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