BR on The SemperFi, Trooozos alkolikolikolikos and MoXo l мαтн ν.Э
i do not know if it is ok.. but my reason for killing that man in the BMW was that he had taken my friends car(random steal) and then he just started CMD ppl with his car to make him look like the man that was doing CMD! and i did not kill him because he CMD me, i killed him for stealing my friends car Smile

im sorry but tryed to get my friends car back..
If it was wrong i will take the ban.. But my reason was this Smile
Im sorry if this was wrong but i could not find any rule that i cant kill someone that steals a car..

But i thank salinsky for filming this Smile
There where alot of people that where doing some crazy shit...

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RE: BR on The SemperFi, Trooozos alkolikolikolikos and MoXo l мαтн ν.Э - by TheSemperFi - 01-01-2013, 09:09 PM

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