Ban request: RDM, Random Knife and Random taze
Well no, many things can be sorted with a simple pm or by asking someone to do something.
I actually have plenty of screenshots and videos of people breaking the rules; double dooring, prop blocking etc, I tell them what they are doing is wrong and if they refuse to listen to you, that's when you post the BR, you can also add that they refused to listen to you in it. If they listen to me and delete the prop I don't post a BR occasionally the person just needs to be reminded that they are wrong.

In these videos that you have posted I successfully knife a person once, the person does not die and I then get tased for it, that is the appropriate action they then should have made an arrest warrant, instead you did not help to the situation.

This ban request on me shouldn't be valid getting me banned for something I should be arrested for isn't fair.
Lead by example.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban request: RDM, Random Knife and Random taze - by Al sevenfold - 12-31-2012, 04:30 AM
RE: Ban request: RDM, Random Knife and Random taze - by Jamie - 01-08-2013, 11:41 AM

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