Ban request: RDM, Random Knife and Random taze
Hold on, so if you have spotted multiple people prop killing and CDM'ing etc, why are you just targeting the people who were RP'ing and mostly me? It feels as if you are at the point of bullying me here as you have posted 3 ban requests 2 of which are on the exact same matter. I don't understand why you have not just made one ban request and put it all together? Are you hoping that they ban me 3 times over?
Another point, you say is backseat administration you are saying we should just post a ban request on the people tasing us, let them continue and wait until an admin reads the BR, deems it to be worthy of a ban and then bans the player all the while we are constantly being tased and the rp is ruined? Yeah, I don't think that's fair.
It would seem you were stalking us through this entire RP just to get dirt on us, in real life that's harassment.
Also please stop being so condescending you have posted 3 ban requests on me, I don't think I'm going to have a "nice day"...

Edit---- I would also like to mention the video clearly shows Simoniss run up to someone and tase them.
Lead by example.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban request: RDM, Random Knife and Random taze - by Al sevenfold - 12-31-2012, 03:21 AM
RE: Ban request: RDM, Random Knife and Random taze - by Jamie - 01-08-2013, 11:41 AM

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