Ban request: RDM, Random Knife and Random taze
Dude please start understanding that you cant take matters in to your own hands! That is backseat admin and you should not have killed and knifed ppl Smile

And im sorry that i dont get all of the ppl i just take the ppl in the film Smile
so can you please just let the admins take care of it ?

and i have ban request on you becasue you are breaking rules man Smile
and i started filming because of cops and that guy herrassing you guys... but then you started to kill ppl for reason (take matters in to own hands) you could just had lett it go and not killed them? and posted a BR your self on them for random taze Smile

but you did not so i filmed it all Smile and it was not just you guys it was a lot of guys cmd, propkilling and so on Smile so stop spaming me because you are inn all of the vids and breaking rules Smile

and if you dont belive me on this go and read the rules again Smile
and have a nice day Smile

(12-31-2012, 03:02 AM)Al sevenfold Wrote: You failed to post the BR on Simoiss who was also random tasing.
You also have 3 ban requests on me for what? for trying to RP a protest? that the police had to go and ruin?
It just seems like you were following us around in the hopes something would happen so you could post a BR.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban request: RDM, Random Knife and Random taze - by TheSemperFi - 12-31-2012, 03:10 AM
RE: Ban request: RDM, Random Knife and Random taze - by Jamie - 01-08-2013, 11:41 AM

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