Ban request: RDM, Random Knife and Random taze
Ok so, if you didnt realize, we were revolting. It was the same president for a few hours and the police force sucked considering all they did was random taze. That is the reason for the freedom march. I killed those two cops because those were the cops that told us to do the march on the side of the road, which we did. We started to cross the road to the sidewalk in front of the BP Store. The cops then tazed us for it. That is what made me want to kill them. I believe you edited out the part where the constantly tazed us, buddy.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban request: RDM, Random Knife and Random taze - by G3n3r1cG4t0r48 - 12-31-2012, 03:07 AM
RE: Ban request: RDM, Random Knife and Random taze - by Jamie - 01-08-2013, 11:41 AM

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