Fcuk's Unban Request
Your name: Fcuk

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:36933042

Banning Admin: Sniperwolf

Ban Length: 2 Months 2 Weeks i belive

Reason for the ban: Multiple offenses, doom fort as doctor, failRp

Why we should unban you:

Well il link the ban request Fcuk's Ban Request

Ok where shall i start

Ok, so First part and i quote
Quote:Fcuk had door spawned in nexus for no reason
This was not for no reason, this was because i was president and left the position, i put them there so that it would act as a lockdown when/if i had to put one there, so the person at the desk would pres a button and they would close. I left the president position and deleted my stuff befor i went, apart from the doors as they were downstairs, adn i was up and had forgot about them.

and then he was shooting people in his so called "base" holding AK 47 while he was medic
This was becuase i was an unemployed and had the base, i realised i needed supplies, looked for a doctor and there wasnt one on, so i took the position and went doctor, i went up to my base, and supplied me, and my team with doctor items, a few seconds later i had a warrant on my head for a search, which was for an arrest on another guy, (it was my building thats why i got a search warrant) so i pulled out a gun, (everyone had a gun) and held my ground within my base.

Then he and many others build big base inside and painted it so that they can see us from inside and we can't
If you havn't notices Arletiss, Almoust EVERYONE does this.

So they shot half of cp's trying to get in for criminalism. Then Fcuk or 1 of them killed me while I was typing
I didnt kill you, someone else did.

Probably because they saw "Typing..." over my char through wall so they shot me dead
Once again, i didnt kill you as i saw you not moving atall, and i didnt kill you!

They shot everyone who entered at flea market
We didnt shoot everone, we shot the people who were shooting at us! thats fair! noone else! only people who shot at us!

And at the end of that "Clip" you got killed from behind and not by me...

So this is my unban Request..


Messages In This Thread
Fcuk's Unban Request - by Toby - 02-25-2011, 06:13 PM
RE: Fcuk's Unban Request - by Sniperwolf - 02-25-2011, 06:17 PM
RE: Fcuk's Unban Request - by Toby - 02-25-2011, 07:04 PM
RE: Fcuk's Unban Request - by arleitiss - 02-25-2011, 07:37 PM
RE: Fcuk's Unban Request - by Toby - 02-25-2011, 07:52 PM
RE: Fcuk's Unban Request - by Killjoy - 02-25-2011, 10:30 PM

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