Ban Request - [FL:RP] George & [FL:RP] Jacob1029
"1. We NEVER arrested anyone in the lobby. We kept you back as you insisted that "You had a meeting" even though the President wasn't even in his office. We arrested you and your friends several times in the garages."

Of course you didn't.

"2. We didn't shoot people randomly that is complete bollocks. We only shot when you had weapons drawn as we aren't going to try and taze you."

Of course you didn't. And you say you only shot when we had weapons drawn? Ahh you mean the times when you pulled a gun out and killed us breaking fear rp.

"4. Send a /request. We didn't receive one request about this. Plus, how can we see this when we were were in the Nexus? (RDMing should be reported to an admin anyway)."
Why would we /request when you did jack all, and we were aware about this. The cops were often the ones doing the damage.

"5. We didn't break NLR. You tried to go speak to him. Great way to show a non-aggressive attitude to cleaning up the city."
You died in the lower floor next to the elevator, then come straight up the cells using knowledge from the previous life.

"Just because you were hired doesn't mean you can raid as well. You clearly shot at SS and tied them up. Also, the Gun Dealer was your friend as you were also both Corleones for a while."
Correct, it dosen't mean I can raid just because he says to
ie if he was to say raid this apartment now he might have contra
That would be fail, however, it was my duty to protect him, and all you tried to do was randomly arrest him/shoot him often. Then you arrested his friend aswell.

"Now the screenshots; All of those OOC posts were by your raiding buddies. The SS Agent was mad as he was killed in a raid. You didn't ask "why he was breaking NLR and RDMing" because he wasn't. You asked why you were shot. And the last picture is quite funny as if an SS Agent kills the President, he just re-spawns."
All of them? No. I don't know any of them other than carnage.
I mean seriously, the SS agent even turned on his own side because that's how fail it was.

The first video is a ban for a random raid, but it wasn't even the slightly bit random.
The 2nd, is me just protecting my boss as paid to.
So fail to see how it breaches the rules.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban Request - [FL:RP] George & [FL:RP] Jacob1029 - by Jacob1029 - 12-30-2012, 03:10 AM

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