Ban Request - [FL:RP] George & [FL:RP] Jacob1029
Video 1.
1: Everytime someone would walk into the lobby, not behind the desk, not the basement, the LOBBY. You would arrest them.
You decide to start arresting my friend, even after you had been killed many times before, so we tranq'd and tied you to stop you doing any more damage.

2. You shot at people in the lobby randomly who did nothing to you.

3. The president did nothing about you.

4. Cops did nothing, doctors,chefs, and cops were just rdm'ing and cops did absolutely nothing about it.

5. I had enough and I was changing it, we went up to the President to propose a new order, we had a force of security guards willing to work for him to fix the city...oh wait, no we didn't go up to the President because you all kept breaking NLR.

Video 2:

I was hire by pvt pyles to follow and protect him as multiple accounts of assassination had been attempted on him (Rdm'ing SS/cops).
As to the gun dealer being there, I don't know why.

You can see my call you an idiot, that was after you were constantly breaking Fear RP, NLR, and RDM rules.
"are you mad" was one of many attempts to troll me, and many others in a manic-adminless night.

Oh, and looking at your bans your familiar with breaching NLR etc.
14328 GeorgeTheBoy STEAM_0:1:44756355 FearRP...
[FL] Grub
14183 GeorgeTheBoy STEAM_0:1:44756355 NLR,After I warned through OOC?
[FL] Grub
13816 GeorgeTheBoy STEAM_0:1:44756355 Randomly Molotoving a building
[FL] Grub
13426 GeorgeTheBoy STEAM_0:1:44756355 Breaking NLR, asking to be killed.
[FL] Ruxandra

And as for ciryl, he has already been banned for KOS and yet does it anyway when he thinks the admins won't see/are offline
15931 [FL:RP]Ciryl STEAM_0:1:51063459 KOS Laws,You have 300+ you should know better
[FL] Grub

Here are pictures of just, some of the complaints about you and more so Ciryl in OOC.

Here we see an actual SS complain about cirly, one of his own team:
In the picture, we see him answer a question with orders are orders. Someone was saying why is he rdm'ing people and breaching nlr, and he kept saying I'm just following orders which is outrageous.
[Image: hl22012-12-2906-08-28-98_zpsc276903a.png]
[Image: hl22012-12-2906-08-42-00_zps22a4fabf.png]

And then we see someone mention how he shot the president to become him, now I don't think that's actually possibly. However he fail rp'd by not even attempting to protect the pres, and then cola berating to become the president himself.
[Image: hl22012-12-2906-15-04-88_zps2d1dee8c.png]

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RE: Ban Request - [FL:RP] George & [FL:RP] Jacob1029 - by Jacob1029 - 12-30-2012, 02:27 AM

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