Wave of the bans from the 1 Raid
I'm sorry that you are upset that you lost your job, your ban request is quite pathetic though.

We caused you no problems at all in your city.
We then had some unemployed try to kill us with his security guard, we killed the guard and tied the unemployed. We demanded 2k for his safe release.

The next thing, the SS show up at the apartments. I requested someone came, with the cash, so what do you do ? Bring the whole of the SS guns drawn with no consideration for ANYONES life including the hostage.

The SS start raiding 2 of our apartments going rambo just shooting everyone on site, even with no guns. This was clearly a METAGAME as one of them was on a completely different floor and no one had gone near it..

The SS came in, I had holstered my gun before I came in as I had no chance. I repositioned into the corner and they shot me whilst I was in the corner saying "don't shoot I'm the hostage" on the mic, but I didn't die, they even shot at the hostage who was just said in the corner!

You once again metagamed, saying "that's jacob get him" or something along those lines, even if you knew or had a hunch I was a villain you had no clue who I was without metagaming. You never spoke to me, you warranted and arrested.

This upset us greatly, you was even at the raid over-viewing it. So went and found you, saw a nice amount of cars outside the Garage, and then saw your ss.

So I went to your door, was there a couple of minutes shouting "President, we need to talk, now"
Did you come and talk? No. You can even hear "Pasarus" say to you "you should of done this peacefully Mr President." I don't see why talking to us was so hard?

So we went in, and as you can see from the video, didn't kill you on sight like most raiders would.

All you kept saying was "what's your reason to raid, last warning". As you can hear in your video, I'm sick of you saying that. We told you the reason, and all you kept saying was last warning, tell me, maybe to avoid the RP? Maybe you didn't read it? Either way, it really hacked me off.

As you can see, I list the reasons off:

For a start, as said above, you raided our family, via use of a metagame and bad tactics ie just go in their and shoot everyone with no attempts of any NEGOTIATION AT ALL.
Then, when 2 rebels were on a visit to a jail cell, a cop just came in and starting firing off his USP at them.
And then, you had some stupid frozen roadblock, which half the time was unmanned and so no one could get in or out of the city. Which was absolutely ridiculous.

And for the reference, no one did it for the president slot, kenny took it as a bonus, but it was no where near the goal of raiding you.

So yeah, I'm sorry. I could perfectly understand you making a ban request if we had raided you and said "we raid u cuz high taxes" but you brought it upon yourself with a stupid chain reaction of fail rp and on numerous occasions failing to even bother being diplomatic. I think you was under the impression that, I don't care about them because I am very safe behind my kevlar'D SS.

Oh, and I love how you even fail to mention any previous events, you just say it's a "random raid" and that's it. Perhaps you were hoping no one had a forum account to defend themselves or something, or perhaps you just missed those previous events out because they weren't in your favor. If you are going to do a ban request, at least post the full picture.

Sorry for the lengthy reply, but this request is outrageous. To be quite honest I think you are just very sore about losing your job but if you had done it properly or even bothered to talk to us, it wouldn't of happened.

Messages In This Thread
Wave of the bans from the 1 Raid - by Laizel - 12-29-2012, 06:19 PM
RE: Wave of the bans from the 1 Raid - by beflok - 12-29-2012, 06:44 PM
RE: Wave of the bans from the 1 Raid - by Laizel - 12-29-2012, 07:11 PM
RE: Wave of the bans from the 1 Raid - by Jigsaw - 12-29-2012, 09:02 PM
RE: Wave of the bans from the 1 Raid - by Laizel - 12-29-2012, 10:04 PM
RE: Wave of the bans from the 1 Raid - by Jacob1029 - 12-29-2012, 11:59 PM
RE: Wave of the bans from the 1 Raid - by Laizel - 12-30-2012, 12:55 AM
RE: Wave of the bans from the 1 Raid - by Laizel - 12-30-2012, 05:23 AM
RE: Wave of the bans from the 1 Raid - by Adman - 01-18-2013, 05:01 PM

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