Jackoburst UBR
Your name: Jackoburst

Your ban ID: 20337

Banned by: Adman (approved BR)

Reason: Ban Request 23091 Approved - "Persistent FailRP, general minging. Team-killing and backseat administration."

Involved: Phoenix

Why we should unban you: well as shown in my approved BR was recorded team killing and back seat administrating with friends I know i in no way justify my actions when i say there were 7 people on the server i believe roughly 6 of us were banned (2 permadents bans) and the other person was martin G who recorded the incident. what was going on on the server before martin G recorded was that 65 wolf was prop minging, killing, trapping, and blocking so we were constantly shooting him down or tazing him to attept to arret him which happened serveral times then came the "minging".

the "minging" was considered when we started killing 65wolf every time he spawned a prop on the street and when we caught each other in crossfire we would ingage in deathmatch and there on we would do this for fun. all of us were very stupid doing this as we didnt really think it mattered since 6/7 of us were doing this what im trying to say is barley anyone on so we wanted to have fun.

Then me being accused of "backseat" admining was when i team killed cops who were prop minging cars and killing people such as martin G all in the recording on the BR I know i shouldent have done it but there is no other way to stop cops as a cop when there are 7 people online.

Like I said this ban was totally fair and i respect admans decision but for what I did I just thought that 2 weeks of ban time was a little much I love playing the server and what I did was a huge mistake next time I will make a sandbox server if we wanna screw around on that

thank you for reading this i know this is kind of a long UBR but i thought i would make it to explain most of the actions that happened that was not justified in the recording


Messages In This Thread
Jackoburst UBR - by impossibloughjacko - 12-29-2012, 08:02 PM
RE: Jackoburst UBR - by Adman - 12-29-2012, 09:56 PM
RE: Jackoburst UBR - by impossibloughjacko - 12-29-2012, 10:40 PM
RE: Jackoburst UBR - by Adman - 12-30-2012, 12:06 PM

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