[Unofficial][Pas/Agr] GB Underground [CLOSED]
IC Information

What is your name:Matthew Gallagher

What is your age:23

What I desire in the family and what rank I wish to be:I would like to be well known. Also I inquire to be a Soldier for the Clan.

Tell me something about yourself:I lived in Crieff, Scotland. I am excellent with a gun in my hand, also I am a great shot with a sniper. I was born in a city called Perth, I lived in Crieff my whole life, then I moved to EvoCity. In EvoCity I have met many people and been in many other Clans. My mother died when I was born, no one knew how she had died but I never got to see her in person, only in a picture.

OOC Information

How many bans have you had on the server:1

How many hours have you got on the server:404 Hours

Amount of RP Points: 2

Why would you like to join: I am from Scotland IRL and I live in it, I also am looking for a good clan with people who will respect me, as the other clans weren't on as frequent as I was.

Steam Name: MattyG56

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial][Pas/Agr] GB Underground - by MattyG56 - 12-26-2012, 06:53 PM

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