[DEBATE] Passive Economies creates Passive RP
Wow. Fish for 600?

Contrafarming will always be the downfall of any type of economics in FL. Passive RP falling is also a bit to blame on the minges. Most just raid the establishment, Molotov it, Or kill everyone inside of the building. Also, Contra is the fastest way to make money, just get a decent doomfort. sit there with your Ak ( That you found after you Cdmed the Don ) and put your contra to the side, watch the door ( Your 5 fading doors ) and wait until something moves ( Random unemployed walking near your base ) , to then blast it to dust. Then after you've gained enough to buy a Few BMW's. You buy molotovs, Then you have two choices. Randomly raid the president, Or to burn down any kind of Passive RP. Then you decide thats boring, you go back to your base. Play some Black ops ( Perfecting your RDM Skills ) and wait until someone starts crying about propblock.

( I went a bit off-topic up there. )

Like Burger said, there will never be any proper economy, unless Soul changes FL.

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RE: [DEBATE] Passive Economies creates Passive RP - by CookieMasterz - 12-26-2012, 01:59 AM

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