Jacob with many :@ to the Admins
Okey now this will sound stupid and you will make some random comments and be so goood. But for once i don't think you guys know the word fun is actually you can be asked for be killed for its some crazy people who are doing that. So that's not failRP. To the point anyway.

I got banned for i standed on a table... And ofc NLR Sorry about that then... Now we start with the first i standed on the tables and got the admins very angry on me on somehow. And then they killed me beacuse i did it couple of times. Then i came back and break NLR. And sorry about that. Next time i waited then the time was done. And when i bet 500 don't remember how much it was but they said that i was banned but i could play my round first. And evo random placed my note so it came on red i didn't know it except until which colour it came on, and i looked where my note was anyway. Then it was little bit more on red and my note was on red so i thought it mostly was red. And evo said he couldnt see the difference and i thought it was red i am not lying but in my fact it was mostly on red. Then i standed on the table again... and then they shoot me. I came back beacuse i wasted my money and i wanted it back. And when i also gave him the money he said no refund. Before we started beacuse all admins was standing next to me. When i died and came back he banned me and i wanna see the results beacuse i spended money, didnt gain it back, wasted totaly, got killed and cannot come back beacuse NLR and i couldnt wait beacuse i got banned.... Also im pretty pissd off now i got random arrested by the cop Tyno also but that are we not talking about.

And i was a fagola pretty much in the casino when i did nothing but...

This is the 3rd time i got banned and actually i dont feel any reasons WHY I GOT BANNED. I was supposed to start donate but i don't feel to do that beacuse. The admins are just to sad i don't you guys know the word fun to have in your life and when you do something fun it's failrp. And if it happened in your real life... It's not wrong right?

If i know you guys right you are gonna rage or something in the comments in somehow. Anyway sorry Evo but i can't respect the others... All other guys in the server is awesome. Except two ****** Admins.

Messages In This Thread
Jacob with many :@ to the Admins - by Jacob - 02-21-2011, 09:37 PM
RE: Jacob with many :@ to the Admins - by Killjoy - 02-21-2011, 10:35 PM

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