Unjustly banned by an abusive admin.
(12-24-2012, 01:09 AM)Narcotic Wrote:
Quote:2. I broke NLR and FearRP because I was out-of-character, trying to get an admin, which is aloud if he clearly broke a rule. Learn to serious roleplay.

5. 1440 minutes = 24 hours. The unban rules say "You may not post an unban request if your ban time is 24 hours or less" NOT "You may no post an unban request if your ban time is less than 24 hours" Maybe you should've reviewed yourself with the server and forum rules before you became admin, or even moderator.

7. Nice grammar.

2. That's like saying: "He breaks the rules, so can I."

5. Then you shouldn't post an unban request.

7. Why would you even point this out?

2. No, I said that he was breaking the rules so I went to the area so the admin could teleport to me while I was there. To be honest, I wasn't thinking properly because the admin could easily teleport to them if they minge-ran, so fault on my part. But I didn't say I was aloud to break the rules because they were.

5. Mahti insisted and kept pressuring me to and kept telling me I could, etc.

7. Because grammar is one of the main keys of roleplay.

(12-24-2012, 01:11 AM)Mahti Wrote: 1. I did
2. You may not never break NLR no exceptions (Or FearRP), You can't make your rules. and also you can't assume its random raid and you're getting admin there immediatly.
3. What I meant is clearly I went in after I heard sound, English isn't my native language but I thought I made myself clear enough.
4. around with hugeass prop is also bannable offence.
5. 1339 (You can't post unban request) 1440 (You can) Thats been the policy for over 2 years. Also mocking admin again isn't getting you anywhere
7. No problem isn't really language I know best.

1. Really? Because you seem like you're speaking from poor memory.
2. I was trying to notify the admin so they could come to my location, because I KNEW you were going to mingerun. I was trying to pause roleplay so an admin could come and handle the situation, but apparently two money printers are more important than following the rules.
3. Okay, so someone drops a cup on the ground. You blow open their door, hold them down at gunpoint, and take everything you can and it's acceptable because you "heard a sound."
4. I don't even... what?
5. 1440 minutes = 24 hours. You don't need to know perfect English to know math.
7. Okay, I understand that. I didn't really hear an accent when you spoke.

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RE: Unjustly banned by an abusive admin. - by buffalobagingi - 12-24-2012, 01:28 AM

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