[DEBATE] Passive Economies creates Passive RP
In December 2011, Fearless was going through an period which could be simply labeled as the Prime of the Fish Market and the Period of Peace. This time-frame complemented the entry of several trading groups/guilds on the server which created vast amounts of Passive RP, Clan RP, and also fostered the only economy the server has actually experienced.
The nursing mother of this era was the passive-economy known as the Fish Market, which went into its' prime years somewhere in late November, 2011. The Fish Market which existed primarily on the name-staked food item, and it's profit margins were very serious for the time. $500 per fish... $600 per fish... The prices were always changing, but they generally stayed in higher profit margins. At the time, players would rather go fishing then contrafarm, and this is where my debate begins.

After the Fish Market collapsed in January, 2012, with the discovery of the +reload AFK/Fishing Glitch, players began returning to contrafarming. An Aggressive RP money production which produced far-less money compared to the Fish Economy at it's prime. This period though, was marked with an increase in bans, clan conflicts, and several incidents of players using Stut Torture[DDoS Attacks].
With an increase in contrafarmers, and lack of peaceful economics... Several clans were forced to begin running Security Firms, Protection Groups, and Contrafort Manufacturers. The culmination of conflicting interests later lead to the FUMUKU-SAA War. An invalid war which never obeyed standard clan rules, and lead to several groups being closed down, as well as tens if not hundred of innocent players being banned for picking sides.

It's within my belief and complete understanding of CityRP's situation, that Passive Economies could of stopped several conflicts from ever erupting in the first place.
I would like people to give their own beliefs in this debate.

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[DEBATE] Passive Economies creates Passive RP - by Joey Skylynx - 12-22-2012, 09:32 AM

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